Vystrel 2017!

Vystrel 2017!

Isaeva, Private Entrepreneur
俄罗斯莫斯科索科利尼基博物馆教育中心, 展馆 7a

09/09 - 10/09 — 从 10:00 至 18:00


Vystrel 2017! (Fire Shot 2017!) is the first event in Russia dedicated to shooting as a process rather than to guns or hunting. The exhibition will gather under one roof organizations and individuals connected to or interested in the world of shooting.

Vystrel 2017!  programme includes meetup sessions for major market players, roundtable discussions and briefings, shooting equipment and apparel sales, presentations of new firearm models, gaming equipment and technologies. Among the exhibition participants there are leading organizations promoting marksmanship, major producers of small arms, sport teams, representatives of special divisions, shooting clubs, and shooting ranges.

The event will also feature workshops and demonstration shows, signing and photosessions by representatives of special divisions of various defence and law enforcement agencies, and members of the Russian team, prize holders, World, Europe and Olympic champions in shooting sports. There will also be press conferences for national and international media, appearances of celebrity sportsmen and artists, an entertainment and a show programme.

Ticket price: 

Entrance ticket – 400 RUB,

Family ticket (2 adults and 2-3 children under 14) – 900 RUB

The Great Patriotic War veterans and children under 7 – free of charge.

For more information, see the official website: www.выстрел.москва


Yulia Isaeva +7(916) 806 65 20

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